Truck Crash Lawyers in Northern Illinois

As a young driver were you afraid of semi-trucks? Did you shake at the thought of driving in between them on the tollways? For some that fear of large semi-trucks never goes away. That seemingly irrational trepidation continues, even as you become an experienced driver. And if you’ve been injured in a truck accident, you know why.

One moment you were on your way to work, and the next you were in the hospital, in awe of what happened. Truck crashes happen quickly, but the injuries affect individuals for a long time–sometimes a lifetime.

Fight back. Don’t let a truck crash affect your life more than it already has.

Have you been seriously injured in a truck crash? Was your family member killed because of a semi-truck driver’s negligence? Now, more than ever, you need a strong, fighting team behind you.

If you or your family member has been injured in a truck crash, please call a personal injury lawyer at Franks Gerkin Ponitz Greeley. Our experienced, steadfast semi-truck crash injury attorneys pay attention to small details, but also tackle the big picture head on.

Finding an attorney with this approach is especially important when you’re seeking compensation after this type of crash. Semi-truck cases are complex, and there are many, many parties involved. The semi-truck company, their insurance, your insurance, the truck driver’s insurance, and your family–the list of people involved goes on and on. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the many moving parts of your case.

You need a team that can handle all of these moving parts, but also give you the personal attention you and your family truly need during this overwhelming time. At Franks Gerkin Ponitz Greeley, we truly believe that we are that team.

When you work with our personal injury attorneys, our team becomes your team. Our family becomes your family, and we fight for you like you are our own. Recover from your injuries and we’ll take care of the rest. Call Franks Gerkin Ponitz Greeley today. Our lawyers have experience helping people throughout Northern Illinois.

Are you ready to fight? We’re ready to fight with you.

Truck crashes can leave you physically and emotionally scarred forever. Individuals who have been injured in a truck accident often suffer very serious injuries, including spinal cord injuries, back injuries, brain injuries, and others. These grave injuries put your day-to-day life on pause. Physical therapy, surgeries, and doctor’s appointments become part of your new routine. And these methods of recovery don’t come without a price tag.

Don’t sell yourself short–you need time and money to recover from your injuries. Right now you may not even know how costly your accident was. Don’t just think about the here and now; think about your future and your family’s future. Do your injuries affect your overall quality of life? Will you still be able to perform the day-to-day duties of your job? Does your injury require long-term physical therapy treatment?

An insurance company isn’t necessarily going to repay all of those long-term costs. While it may seem like they are offering you a sizeable sum, remember their job isn’t to give you as much money as you deserve. The insurance company’s job is to calculate the bare minimum. It is crucial to get in contact with an injury attorney so that you can understand the extent of your financial burden and be fully compensated for your injuries.

And know that by contacting us, you’re not complaining; you’re seeking the financial help you truly deserve.

Wrongful Death and Truck Accidents

A great number of trucking accidents result in fatal injuries to the driver and passengers of the smaller vehicle. The size difference between a large semi truck and a small passenger vehicle leads to the seriousness of these accidents.

Losing a loved one in this manner–it’s shocking, it’s sudden, and it affects you in ways you could never have imagined. How did this happen? Why did it happen? Know that speaking with one of our truck crash attorneys won’t bring your loved one back. It won’t completely heal the pain you’re feeling. But we will do our best to find you closure. We’ll do everything in our power to help you and your family recover financially from this life changing event. Learn more about how we help people in Northern Illinois after their loved one has been killed because of someone else’s negligence.

Common Causes of Truck Crashes

Semi-trucks require precise, calculated driving because with every lane change, stop at a red light, or left-turn, a truck-driver could be putting other drivers at risk. When you or your family member has been injured in a semi-truck crash, you know the risks we are talking about.

In handling a case after a tractor-trailer accident, it is important to discover what the cause of the accident was. Our Northern Illinois truck crash injury team is highly experienced in these matters and can conduct a detailed investigation of the accident’s cause. Some common causes of truck accidents include:

  • Distracted driving
  • Cell phone usage
  • Drug or alcohol use by the truck driver
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Improperly maintained truck
  • Dangerous road conditions
  • Speeding
  • Improper training or licensing
  • Unsafe passing in lanes

Once we determine the cause of the semi crash, we will help you determine the best course of legal action. You may be entitled to significant compensation for all of your accident-related costs and damages, including wage loss, medical bills, property damage, and more.

The Northern Illinois personal injury lawyers at Franks Gerkin Ponitz Greeley provide comprehensive representation in truck crash cases. We will take the critical steps necessary to protect your rights and interests after a tractor-trailer accident, and help you move forward with your life in the most efficient way possible. We will consider all means of recovery in your case, and carefully guide you through the legal process.

Call us today or visit our office in Marengo, Illinois.