Lake County Car Accident Injury Attorneys

The last thing you expect when stepping into your car is for your life to permanently change on the road. Yet in the blink of an eye, someone’s small mistake can cause the world as you know it to go up in flames. Every year, thousands of Illinois drivers get into debilitating and fatal car accidents.

If you or someone you love was hurt because of someone else’s mistake on the road, a Lake County car accident lawyer like the ones on our skilled team at Franks Gerkin Ponitz & Greeley could help you fight for the financial compensation you deserve. We have years of experience representing victims of car accidents in Lake County and are ready to help you too.

Common Causes of Lake County Car Accidents

There are countless reasons why vehicle accidents can occur, so it’s important to be as safe as possible on the road. Always wear your seatbelt and stay alert so that you drive carefully and remain cautious in the face of others’ negligence. Some of the most common causes of car accidents in Lake County include:

  • Distractions: In our world of handheld mobile devices, it’s easier than ever for drivers to be distracted. Even the sound of a text notification can cause your eyes to dart off the road for enough time to cause a crash.
  • Speeding: Driving above the speed limit is always dangerous. If you’re going faster than you should, it can be tough to slow down in time for a pedestrian, animal, or another vehicle. The rules of the road are there for a reason, and speeding, especially at a red light, can result in a catastrophic collision.
  • DUI: Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is one of the most dangerous things a driver can do. Not only will you be facing fines and jail time, but you are also jeopardizing the lives of those in and around your car.

What To Do After a Car Accident In Lake County?

Thousands of thoughts can rush through your head at once after an accident. Am I hurt? Are my passengers hurt? Can I get to safety? Is the other driver injured? Is my car damaged? Will I have to buy a new car? How can I afford this? It’s going to be hard, but the most important thing to do while these thoughts are swirling is to try and stay calm. Follow the steps below:

  • Check if you are injured: If possible, assess whether or not you are physically alright. If you feel a stabbing pain anywhere in your body, like your legs or head, stay where you are, as still as possible, and wait for help. If you feel stable, then check if other people in the car are hurt.
  • Call the police: Unless you were involved in a truly minor fender bender, you need to call the police. Especially if you are physically injured or if there is significant damage to your car, you need to report the incident.
  • Move your vehicle: If you are not significantly injured and moving the car to a safe area would not worsen the damage.
  • Take photos and videos of everything. If you’re not injured, snap pictures of the scene and take note of specific details, like the other driver’s license plate number and the damage to your vehicle. These might seem like small, inconsequential actions, but documenting the scene like this can provide priceless support for your case if you have to prove you were not at fault or want to seek adequate compensation for property damage.
  • Collect information: Speaking to people around you can also help strengthen your case later. For example, talking to people who saw the accident can help you determine fault. You should also get the contact and insurance information of the other driver if they are still at the scene.
  • Contact your insurance: Even if you were not at fault for your accident, you need to let your insurance know what happened on the road. They will take the proper steps to assess the situation and examine the evidence to determine who was responsible.
  • Get in touch with a personal injury attorney: If you’re considering seeking compensation, you can consult with a car accident lawyer who can help you file a personal injury claim and address any of your legal questions or concerns.

Can I Get Compensation For A Car Accident Injury In Lake County?

All drivers with a vehicle in Lake County need auto insurance. If you’re in an accident, you need to tell your car insurance company about it as soon as you can. Illinois is what is called an at-fault state, which means if you’re in a collision in Lake County, your insurance company and the other party’s insurance company will investigate what happened on the road and determine who was at fault.

Often you won’t necessarily be found completely at fault or not at fault. People involved in road accidents are sometimes found to be partially at fault. For example, maybe you looked away from the road for a split second, and another driver was speeding and hit you. In this case, both of you might be found a bit at fault. If you are found to be less than 50% at fault for what happened, you should file a personal injury claim with the other driver’s insurance company. It’s your right to receive money to cover your expenses, including:

  • Medical bills: No matter what your financial situation is like, medical bills in Lake County can quickly stack up, especially for a serious injury. Even a checkup to make sure you’re ok after an accident can break the bank. When you seek economic compensation after an accident, you can receive money to help cover the costs of medical procedures, prescription medication, and long-term costs if you become disabled after the accident.
  • Property damage: In less than an instant, a collision can cause devastating damage to your car. When dealing with physical injuries, emotional stress, and financial worries, you don’t want to add not having a working vehicle to your growing plate of stress. You can work with a car accident lawyer to seek financial support for repairs to your car.

This post-collision procedure might sound simple in theory, but it’s quite complicated in practice. For example, you might assume that an auto insurance company will take care of all of your economic needs after a car accident. Unfortunately, this is not the case. You have to remember that insurance companies are for-profit businesses, so they will try to pay you as little as possible, especially if it is the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

To avoid paying you the money you need, the at-fault party might dispute your personal injury claim or try to pin the fault on you, which can leave you with a mountain of debt. Insurance companies often don’t go down without a fight, so you need a devoted auto accident attorney by your side who works tirelessly so you come out on top.

Why Do I Need An Experienced Lake County Personal Injury Attorney?

While car insurance companies and at-fault drivers may fight tooth and nail to avoid paying you for your suffering, your personal injury lawyer will fight right back. The last thing you need when dealing with the physical toll and emotional aftermath of a serious vehicle accident is the stress and uncertainty of a legal battle. Let your lawyer deal with the hassle of filling out tons of paperwork, collecting hard-to-find evidence, and standing up for you in court. This way, you can focus on healing.

What Can My Lake County Personal Injury Case Do For Me?

Far too often, people who were hurt in car accidents underestimate the work involved in fighting for financial compensation. You might think you can do it alone, but not only is it a ton of work, even the simplest of errors can weaken your credibility and potentially ruin your case. The right Lake County car accident attorney will have the skills and experience to smoothly navigate the complex arena of personal injury law. They can take care of all aspects of your legal process, including:

  • Uncovering evidence: An accident can happen in a split second, so it can be tough to sort out what actually happened. Luckily, we’re no stranger to investigating incidents on the road. From consulting people who witnessed your accident to scrupulously reviewing police reports, we can dive deep into your case to stack strong support for your personal injury claim.
  • Sorting out insurance issues: Insurance procedures are complicated enough without legal issues and disputes. Your personal injury lawyer can guide you through communicating with insurance companies and advocating for you in the frustrating event that an insurance company tries to swindle you out of the money you deserve.
  • Providing strategic legal guidance: It’s easy to be confused about how to seek compensation after a car accident, but your personal injury attorney can answer all of your questions and address all your concerns. Whether you can’t quite discern what you’re entitled to or you have concerns about fault keeping you up at night, our team of experienced attorneys can provide compassionate, informed advice. We approach every case with zero judgment. We just want what’s going to help you so you can recover in the wake of such a difficult time.
  • Advocating for you in court: Our team is always prepared to enter the courtroom. If disputes arise regarding who was at fault, our team will be there with extensive knowledge of your case, ready to not rest until you get what you deserve.

Is There A Statute of Limitations On Lake County Car Accident Lawsuit?

If you’ve been in an accident, there will often be a statute of limitations on when you can file a lawsuit. The statute of limitations can vary based on where your accident was. For example, if you are hurt in a car crash in Lake County, you will have two years since your accident to file a lawsuit. In other words, time is of the essence if you want to be properly compensated for what you went through. Your car accident lawyers can help you understand rules, regulations, and deadlines.

What If The Car Accident Was My Fault?

Car accidents happen incredibly quickly. One second, you’re driving to your destination, and the next, you’re in excruciating pain, confused, panicking, and waiting for help. When circumstances drastically change so fast, it can be tricky to untangle who was responsible for what. You might be worried that you contributed to the accident, but don’t let that concern hold you back from contacting a car accident lawyer. If you were injured in an accident, the smartest thing you can do for your health and your finances is to seek support for damages.

At Franks Gerkin Ponitz & Greeley, we know you might have some questions about fault, but we are still ready to consult with you about your accident. We can review the details of your case and draw on our years of experience to advise you on your legal options.

We Fight Fiercely For Our Lake County Clients

Recovering from a life-threatening incident on the road takes time, no matter how serious. You should prioritize your physical and emotional healing. Choosing a car accident lawyer to fight for your rights is a critical step in the healing process, as it can arm you with the financial standing to address the accident.

Our team also has experience fighting for those who have lost someone they love in an accident, which is called wrongful death. When someone you love passes away in a sudden car accident, it can be near impossible to process emotionally. Nothing can erase the pain of your loss, but we can help you seek compensation that can make your life just a little bit easier. Contact our office today to get closer to getting the payments you deserve.